Common Inhalents

Hair spray. Gasoline. Spray paint. Glue. Typewriter correction fluid. You probably have at least one of these products in your home. These are just a few of the inhalants that are poisonous when children:

Generally, inhalants fall into three categories: solvents, gases, and nitrites.

Solvents are usually liquid. They are found in household and industrial products, such as glues, paints, and polishes.

Gases are found in many household and commercial products.

Aerosol sprays like hair spray and spray paint, as well as medical gases like nitrous oxide, fall into this category. Almost all pressurized aerosol sprays can be abused.

Nitrites are found in room deodorizers.

Here is a list of only a few of the common household products that are dangerous when inhaled:

Keep this list in mind when you consider what products in your home have the potential to be misused.

Inhalant abuse can be deadly and no one can predict how much of an inhalant will kill. A young person can use a certain amount one time and seem fine, but his or her next use could be fatal.

The Texas Commission on Drugs and Alcohol Abuse reports the following ways that inhalants can kill:

Another very real danger of inhalants is that they often lead young people to try other drugs whose effects are even more intense and last longer.

Source: American Academy of Pediatrics